"It is through the study of English that individuals learn to analyse, understand, communicate and build relationships with others and with the world around them. The study of English helps young people develop the knowledge and skills needed for education, training and the workplace. It helps them become ethical, thoughtful, informed and active members of society and plays an important part in developing the understanding, attitudes and capabilities of those who will take responsibility for Australia’s future."
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority Literacy
The delivery of the English curriculum at Casey Grammar School aims to ensure that students learn to listen to, read, view, speak, write, create and reflect on increasingly complex and sophisticated spoken, written and multimodal texts across a growing range of contexts which, where possible, are interwoven through our Inquiry units, with accuracy, fluency and purpose.
A personalised developmental curriculum specific to the students at Casey Grammar School is rigorous and student centred. Professional dedicated staff and teachers draw on a vast knowledge of thoroughly researched pedagogy and data collections when planning.
The classrooms are flexible, safe and engaging learning environment that encourage students to take risks to become active learners. We use the SMART Spelling approach that supports primary teachers to teach spelling well. There is a clear Foundation-6 scope and sequence that is well established at Casey Grammar School. In a SMART Spelling classroom, students are explicitly taught spelling patterns, one at a time. Teachers start by teaching the meaning of words to expand vocabulary and then break words into syllables, sounds and letter patterns following a simple routine that is in the SMART Spelling course.
Teachers use their professional knowledge to give meaningful feedback to students about their spelling in writing, teaching at the point of need.