Casey Grammar School has waiting lists across many year levels, and enrolment can only be offered when a current student leaves the school. Your application will be placed on a waiting list, and please be aware we cannot guarantee enrolment for your child; you will need to find an alternative option.
If a vacancy does not become available in the requested year level, your child's name will roll across to each successive year's waiting list.
Download and complete an application.
A non-refundable administration fee of $50 (per student) is payable. Payment options are outlined on page three of the Expression of Interest form.
If a vacancy arises, families on the waiting list will be contacted for an interview in the following order; children of staff members, siblings of current students, children of past students, siblings of past students who completed their education at CGS, children from families whose values and beliefs align with the Christian ethos of the School, and all other students in order of application date.
You will be invited to attend an enrolment interview with the Principal or Heads of School. Enrolment is subject to availability, assessment, the capacity to provide an appropriate program for the proposed student, and a successful interview.
Enrolment Offer
You will be notified of the outcome of your application after the interview. At all times, the Principal will have the authority to use discretion in the final enrolment offers.
Enrolment Acceptance
Following an enrolment offer, a confirmation deposit of $1500 for Junior School and $2000 for Senior School enrolments is payable within 14 days of the date of the offer or before the student's first day, whichever comes first.
Parents must sign the enrolment contract form to certify that they have read and understood the terms and conditions of enrolment.