Consent To Go

Casey Grammar School - Consent To Go

Casey Grammar School has partnered with Consent2Go to allow parents/guardians and the School to update student information, including health information, in an accurate, timely and confidential manner as well as a quick and easy way for parents to grant excursion, event and camp permissions.

If your child is involved in a school activity, you will be sent an invitation via email which will appear in your inbox from Casey Grammar School - [MCBSchools].

If you have a, or email account, these invitation emails may be going straight to your junk box.

Please add the Consent 2 Go email address: to your contacts and future emails should reach your inbox.

To log in and change student details please visit and use your email address to log in.

If you have forgotten your password a "Forgot Password " link is available that will send a reset link to your email. If you have any questions in relation to Consent 2 Go, please contact Vanessa Morwood in the office on 5991 0800.

Please remember to advise the school if your child is in the temporary care of a relative or other family member, such as when parents are away.

It is also important to let the office know if your child’s emergency contact information changes or if anyone other than the parents/guardians or emergency contacts have permission to pick up your child from school.

A reminder also that if you wish to take students out of school for leave during the school terms, please put your request in writing, in advance, to the Principal at