The role of the Parents’ and Friends’ Committee (PFC) is to build community and provide opportunities for social interaction within the school and provide services throughout the school year.
The PFC currently meet once a term and supports the values and mission of Casey Grammar School, operating as a cohesive single committee, without sub-committees.
If you would like to join the PFC or register as a volunteer that can be called on for events or services please email pfc@cgstudent.vic.edu.au. With additional support, we hope to expand the social events we can organise for parents and families.
The PFC currently provide the following services:
- Prep Welcome BBQ
- Sausage sizzles for Junior and Senior Athletics Days
- Mothers’ Day stall
- Mothers’ Day Morning Tea
- Fathers’ Day stall
- Fathers’ Day breakfast
- Sale of refreshments for assemblies, productions and other events
- Second-Hand book and uniform sales
Secondhand Uniforms
There are currently 2 ways to source second-hand uniforms.
Sustainable Schools Shop
Second-Hand uniforms can be obtained through the sustainable school shop’s website at www.sustainableschoolshop.com.au
This website provides information on items available for sale and pricing.
PFC Secondhand Uniform Sales
These second-hand sales are managed directly by the PFC. Sale dates and times will be communicated regularly via the school newsletter and cash and card are both accepted. Click here to view available secondhand stock.
If you would like to donate to the PFC second-hand uniform sales, please email pfc@caseygrammar.vic.edu.au